Monday (08Jul)

Optimization and DSS for SC

The seminar is introducing the Summer School, its aims, the programme, and it is giving insight on SC project development, namely, by addressing industry-based SC operations, using optimization models, and focusing reverse logistics too. We hope to foster interchange among researchers and MSc/PhD students, to promote discussion with Optimization and SC practitioners, and to stimulate new ideas among industry participants.




09H30 - OPENING SESSION, Auditorium Dr. Francisco Tomatas (ESTG)

Joaquim Mourato, President of IPP

Artur Romão, Director of ESTG/IPP

João Miranda, IP Coordinator, ESTG/IPP



Guidelines of SC Project Development:


10H00 What's new Supply Chain?,
Albert Corominas (UPC, Barcelona, ES)




11H00 Sustainability Analysis on Industrial Processes,
Henrique Matos (IST/UTL, Lisbon, PT)







12H00 - LUNCH



14H00 Project Development: Integrated Aggregate Planning,
Amaia Lusa (UPC, Barcelona, ES)



15H00 Suppliers Selection: Theoretic and case study,
Andrea Genovese (US, Sheffield, UK)




16H00 - Coffee-break



16H20 Introduction to Decision Problems within a SC,
Giuseppe Bruno (UNINA, Naples, IT)


16H50 - SEMINAR Closing Session


More information in Seminar_Wall

Intensive Programme (Summer School in JUL2013):
Proc. N. 2012-1-PT1-ERA10-12527

Giuseppe Bruno

Dipartimento di Ingegneria Economico-Gestionale

Piazzale Tecchio 80

80125 Naples


Phone: +39-0817683637

Fax: +39-0817682154


Caixa de texto: P4) Università degli Studi di Napoli “Federico II” (UNINA-IT)      I NAPOLI 01

Albert Corominas

Barcelona TECH

Dept. of Business Management

Institut d'Organització I Control de Sistemes Industrials

Avinguda Diagonal 647, planta 11

08028 Barcelona



Fax: +34-934016605


Caixa de texto: P6) Universitat Politècnica de Catalunya (UPC-ES)               E BARCELO03

Henrique Matos

Dep. Chemical Engineering

Instituto Superior Técnico

Av. Rovisco Pais 1

1049-001  Lisboa


Phone: +351-218417639

Fax: +351-218417638


Caixa de texto: P2) Instituto Superior Técnico (UTL/IST-PT)                               P LISBOA04
Caixa de texto: Mon, 08

19H00 -Visit to the Monastery of Flor da Rosa


20H00 - DINNER at Pousada do Crato, Flor da Rosa

Amaia Lusa

Barcelona TECH

Dept. of Business Management

Institut d'Organització I Control de Sistemes Industrials

Avinguda Diagonal 647, planta 11

08028 Barcelona


Phone: +34-93 4011705

Fax: +34-93 4016605


Caixa de texto: P6) Universitat Politècnica de Catalunya (UPC-ES)               E BARCELO03

Andrea Genovese

Management School

9, Mappin Street

S1 4DT Sheffield

United Kingdom

Phone: 0044-1142223347



Caixa de texto: P4) University Of Sheffield (US-UK)                                  UK SHEFFIE01


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