Monday (15Jul)

Optimization and DSS for SC

Intensive Programme (Summer School in JUL2013):
Proc. N. 2012-1-PT1-ERA10-12527

Caixa de texto: Mon, 15

João Luís de Miranda

Escola Superior de Tecnologia e Gestão

Lugar da Abadessa, Apt. 148

7301-901 Portalegre


Phone: +351-245300284

Fax: +351-245300230


Caixa de texto: P1) Instituto Politécnico de Portalegre (IPP-PT)                      P PORTALE01

Deadline for Teams Formation !!


09H00 (Anf. 2.01) - Optimization (I)-Introductory session, LP, ILP


Two Optimization sessions are aiming at theoretical subjects and practical issues, either from an introductory or advanced approach. These sessions are conjugating Optimization basics with the implementation of useful tools and SC models.

In the Introductory session, Linear Programming, Integer Programming, related models, and others of interest are focused.




14H00 (Lab 1.08) - Modeling, Simulation and Optimization
onto Project Development


The session integrates several "auxiliary" subjects that are inherent in the management of the Supply Chain, the approach being both theoretical and applied. Topics are in the deterministic and the probabilistic views of modelling, considering the two aspects of simulation ("classical" vs. stochastic or Monte Carlo).

 Deterministic models: Transportation Problem, basic production scheduling, Transshipment Problem (these related to Linear Programming); Assignment Problem, Plant Location, Travelling Salesman Problem (picking, and generally).

 Probabilistic models: Monte Carlo simulation, Queueing, Inventory Management (with the deterministic case).


Several working cases are described, based both on the user's computer and on web computing.


Miguel Casquilho is Professor at Instituto Superior Técnico (IST/UTL). He teaches Optimization-based and Statistics-based disciplines, such as Operations Research and Quality Control. He has Graduate and PhD. degrees in Chemical Engineering, is full researcher at the "Centre for Chemical Processes" (CPQ/IST) focusing on Modeling, Simulation and Optimization of process systems, and has presented conferences and lectures on these subjects. He is responsible or participant in several R&D projects, supervisor of PhD. and MSc. students, and consultant on process industry. Internationally, he has given some lectures in France and presented several communications on conferences.


With significance to the Odss4SC programme, among others, it can be focused:

-  Training action in Modelling, Simulation and Optimization, at MIT

-  Casquilho, M., J. Buescu, 2011, "A minimum distance: arithmetic and harmonic means in a geometric dispute", International Journal of Mathematical Education in Science and Technology, 142(3), 399-405

- Casquilho, M., Fátima C. Rosa, 2012, "Scientific computing on the Internet: direct resolution of several engineering problems", CISTI'2012, 7.a Conf. Ibérica de Sistemas y Tecnologías de Información ( Iberian Conf. on Information Systems and Technology), Madrid (Spain).

- Casquilho, Miguel, "Scientific computing on the Internet, a little-trodden field", IST, Lisbon (Portugal).

Miguel Casquilho

Dep. Chemical Engineering

Instituto Superior Técnico

Av. Rovisco Pais 1

1049-001  Lisboa


Phone: +351-218417310

Fax: +351-218417638


Caixa de texto: P2) Instituto Superior Técnico (UTL/IST-PT)                               P LISBOA04


João Miranda is Adjunct Professor (Nomination) at College of Technology and Management (Portalegre Polytechnics Institute, Portugal) and researcher in Optimization methods and Process Systems Engineering at the Centre for Chemical Processes (associated onto IST/UTL). He is teaching for 12 years in the Mathematics group (mainly: Calculus, Operations Research, Numerical Analysis) and he is author of several papers in Optimization and Engineering Education subjects. He is also interested to strength the referred subjects through proposals of international cooperation in Erasmus and Fulbright contexts.


With significance to the Odss4SC programme, among others, it can be focused:

 Miranda, J.L., Using A Computer-Aided PBL Approach In The Design Of A Course In Entrepreneurship And Management, Proceedings of CSEDU2010 - 2nd International Conference on Computer Supported Education 2010 (Valencia, Spain, April-2010), 6pp

 Miranda, J.L., Casquilho, M., A problem-based approach to Optimization: applied cases, from basic cycles to engineering Education, Proceedings of ICEE07-International Conference in Engineering Education (FCT/UC, Coimbra, Portugal, Sept-2007), 8 pp

 Coordinator of "Support to Students" proposal on the behalf of the Fulbright program (


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