Thursday (11Jul)

Optimization and DSS for SC

Intensive Programme (Summer School in JUL2013):
Proc. N. 2012-1-PT1-ERA10-12527

Caixa de texto: Thu,  11


Mon, 08

Sat, 13

Sun, 14

Mon, 15

Tue, 16

Wed, 17

Thu, 18

Fri, 19

Sat, 20

Sun, 21

Tue, 09

Fri, 12


Wed, 10


Sun, 07



09H00 (Anfit. E.1) - SC Planning and Scheduling (Pharmaceutical SC)


14H00 (Room 2.14) - Case study: Pharmaceutical SC (IPC-PT)


Organizations are currently facing important challenges at a worldwide scale due to the economic conditions and to the existence of new market trends. The global dimension of customers opens novel while demanding business opportunities. To answer to such a complex and uncertain market context enterprises are requiring wide management attitudes. This motivates industrial practitioners and academics into the development of optimal Supply Chain (SC) structures where flexible operational procedures, at the planning and scheduling decision levels, need to be implemented.








Ana Amaro is Professor at the Institute of Accounting and Administration of Coimbra, ISCAC - Coimbra Business School (Coimbra Polytechnics Institute, Portugal) and her research interests are in Optimization subjects related to the planning and scheduling of SC, mainly with pharmaceutical industry. She is teaching for two decades in the Mathematics and Informatics field and she is author of several papers in the optimization and SC subjects. She is researching in collaboration with the Research Center CEG-IST and she is refere of European Journal of Operational Research, EJOR.


With significance to the Odss4SC programme, it can be recently viewed:


 Coordinator of the International Relations Office at ISCAC, since April 2010.


Co-Head of the Direction Board of ISCAC- Coimbra Business School (ISCAC-IPC), until March 2010.


Amaro, A.C.S. & Barbosa-Póvoa, A.P.F.D. (2011), Supply Chains Planning with Reverse Flows: optimal alternative time formulations, Industrial & Engineering Chemistry Research, 50 (9), 5005-5022.


Amaro, A.C.S. & Barbosa-Póvoa, A.P.F.D. (2009), The Effect of Uncertainty on the Optimal Closed-Loop Supply Chain Planning under different Partnerships Structure, Computers & Chemical Engineering 33, 2144-2158.


Amaro, A.C.S. & Barbosa-Póvoa, A.P.F.D. (2008), Planning and Scheduling of Industrial Supply Chains with Reverse Flows: A real pharmaceutical case-study, Computers & Chemical Engineering, 32, 2606-2625.


Amaro, A.C.S. & Barbosa-Póvoa, A.P.F.D. (2007), Supply Chain Management with Optimal Scheduling, Industrial & Engineering Chemistry Research, 47, 116-132.

Ana Amaro

Department of Applied Mathematics and Informatics

ISCAC - Coimbra Business School

Quinta Agrícola-Bencanta

3040-316 Coimbra


Phone: +351-239 802 000

Fax: +351-239 445 445


Caixa de texto: P5) Instituto Politécnico de Coimbra (IPC-PT)                         P COIMBRA02

14H30 - The Collection-Production System at VALNOR,
Dr. Claudia Simoes (VALNOR Environmental Manager)

Dr. Sandra Nicolau (VALNOR Accounting Manager)




16H00 - The "Evertis / Selenis" site at Portalegre,

Dr. Carlos Paiva (IMG Administrator)